Humidity for a better life
There are many ways in which we can protect ourselves against infectious
disease transmission: from good ventilation to maintaining minimum levels
of humidity, filtering, lighting and the right choice of materials.
Find out more - including a risk assessment checklist for your own building.
All the latest research
The best approach to countering the transmission of infection is an integrated approach. This 16-page white paper summarises all of the latest scientific research. Many factors work together to make buildings healthy. This new white paper is designed both as an overview as well as a guide to putting together the right package of measures.
Know the risks
Viral and bacterial transmission in buildings is a quantifiable risk. The white paper introduces the minimum values required, for example across air quality and humidity, and the resulting actions that need to be taken as part of everyday good practice.
Sixteen pages packed with the latest findings about
the most effective safeguards against infectious diseases.
Ideal for promoting dialogue between facility managers, users and health
and safety officers, to enable the right package of health protection
measures to be put together for new or existing buildings.